BC Quroum Court to meet Monday, Wednesday; continued readings for repeal of airport commission


The Baxter County Quorum Court will hold two special meetings next week on Monday and Wednesday at 5:30 in the 2nd-floor courtroom of the Baxter County Courthouse.

According to a press release sent Thursday night from the office of Baxter County Judge Kevin Litty, Monday’s meeting will be the 2nd Reading of the Ordinance to Amend Ordinance No. 1978-48 to Repeal Authority for the Baxter County Airport Commission Operations; To Establish an Airport Advisory Board; and Create Airport Funds; and to Declare an Emergency. No public comments will be heard and no vote will be taken.

Wednesday’’s meeting will be the 3rd Reading of the Ordinance to Amend Ordinance No. 1978-48 to Repeal Authority for the Baxter County Airport Commission Operations; To Establish an Airport Advisory Board; and Create Airport Funds; and to Declare an Emergency. Public comment and a vote by the court will the follow the reading .

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