The Director of Title III and Student Success will lead five-year Title III grant awarded by the U.S. Department of Education. The Project entitled “ACTIVATE” (Advising, Careers, Technology, Innovation, and Virtual Augmentation for Transformational Education) is designed to improve student outcomes through a focus on enhancing the virtual education environment, online instructional innovation, and improved student services. This position is fully supported through the Title III project and is a 12-month position subject to continued federal funding annually and there is 1.5 years remaining in this grant. September 30, 2026 is the scheduled completion date. Minimum qualifications include a Master’s Degree, experience supervising employees, project management experience including fiscal responsibility, experience working in a college, proficiency in Microsoft Excel and Word, and excellent oral and written communication skills. Compensation includes an annual salary commensurate with background and experience, and a comprehensive benefits and leave package.
For a complete job description and how to apply, please visit Job Opportunities at www.asumh.edu.
Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer: disability/veteran