Vincent Anderson publication topic of Historical Society meeting

“Henry S. Taber: Leadership & Insight at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Little Rock, Arkansas” by Vincent Anderson will be the topic at Tuesday night’s 6:00 meeting of the Baxter County Historical & Genealogical Society at 6:00 in the Knox Room of the Donald W. Reynolds Library in Mountain Home.

Captain Henry Sheldon Taber, an influential officer and fundamental catalyst of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, ideally worked as a liaison between the Federal government and its citizens in the era of American western expansion from 1884-1894. Although Taber died at the relatively young age of 44 years, his leadership revolutionized the Little Rock District’s fourteen rivers and economy. Capt. Taber, a Federal soldier who was initially from New York, was buried with military honors among Arkansas’ prominent leaders at Mount Holly Cemetery in Little Rock, Arkansas.

Vincent Anderson was born in Mountain Home and raised on the Arkansas/Missouri Stateline in Ozark County, Missouri. He is employed at the Donald W. Reynolds Library in Mountain Home and works as the Historian & Reference Librarian. In 2016, Vincent was appointed by Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson to serve on the Prairie Grove Battlefield State Park Advisory Commission.

He currently lives in Baxter County and enjoys researching the Ozark region and writing a blog on the Internet entitled Ozarks’ History. Vincent completed his graduate degree in American History from American Military University in December of 2017.

The Baxter County Historical & Genealogical Society meets the fourth Tuesday of each month at 6:00 at the library. The meetings are free and open to the public. For more information, contact the Society at 870-425-2551, or visit the Baxter County Heritage Center at 808 South Baker on Tuesdays and Thursdays from noon 4:00.

For more information visit their website at or visit their Facebook page at Baxter County Historical and Genealogical Society, Inc.


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