A zoning request for Air Evac Lifeteam’s planned new location on Hospital Drive is among the items of business on the Mountain Home City Council’s agenda Thursday evening. The council will meet at 6:00 to consider the request, along with three additional proposal ordinances and a state of the city address by Mayor Joe Dillard.
City Building Official Greg Ifland says Air Evac is requesting rezoning approval to relocate its station and helipad operation from 4305 U.S. Highway 62/412 West. The request involves rezoning property at 519 and 523 Hospital Drive from Commercial C-3 to Commercial C-2. The relocation plan would entail removing homes on these properties.
Also on the agenda are three additional ordinances to waive competitive bidding and authorize the purchase of two trucks for the water and wastewater department and three for the street department, along with the purchase of a GPS Trimble reference station.
The agenda also includes discussion regarding the vacant city treasurer’s position and a resolution authorizing the destruction of certain city records.
The meeting will be held in the council chambers of the Municipal Building.
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