Trading Post


Trading Post

If you have something to buy, sell, trade or give away, do it on the Trading Post!
Join host Tim Tibbs live weekdays from 11 a.m. to noon
on KTLO 1240 AM and Classic Hits101.7 FM.

Call 870-425-5522 or 1-888-884-0364

The Rules:

No businesses allowed

No real estate, automobiles or guns allowed

List 5 items or less

Be sure to include a picture in your email (limit 1 picture per listing)

Those who repeatedly post items that are not allowed (see above rules) risk being permanently banned from the Trading Post.

Submissions received after 8:00 A.M. will be posted on the following day

Trading Post ads are posted as they are sent to us.  We are not responsible for misspelled words, grammatical errors, wrong phone numbers or other mistakes

(For trouble posting call 870-425-3101)