The latest installment of Bob Dylan‘s The Bootleg Series archival collections focuses on Dylan’s late-1960s recording sessions in Nashville, and will include unreleased studio collaborations with Johnny Cash from 1969.
Bob Dylan (featuring Johnny Cash) — Travelin’ Thru, 1967-1969: The Bootleg Series Vol. 15 will be released on November 1, and will be available as a three-CD set, a three-LP vinyl package and digitally.
The first disc of the set features alternate versions of songs that appeared on two Dylan studio albums — 1967’s John Wesley Harding and 1969’s Nashville Skyline — as well as an outtake called “Western Road” from the Skyline sessions.
Travelin’ Thru‘s second disc and part of its third disc are dedicated to Dylan’s February 1969 sessions with Cash, which include versions of songs written by both stars, and covers of select classic country, folk and rock ‘n’ roll songs.
The third disc also features three live performances Dylan did with Cash in May ’69 at Nashville’s Ryman Auditorium, which were recorded for Cash’s variety TV show.
In addition, there are two outtake versions of Cash hits that Dylan recorded during the making of his 1970 Self Portrait album — “Ring of Fire” and “Folsom Prison Blues.”
Rounding out the collection are four tracks that Bob recorded in May 1970 with bluegrass banjo great Earl Scruggs for the 1971 PBS special Earl Scruggs: His Family and Friends. Also included is an interview with Dylan and Scruggs.
You can listen to one track from the set — an alternate take of the Nashville Skyline tune “Tell Me That It Isn’t True” — at Dylan’s YouTube channel.
Travelin’ Thru, 1967-1969: The Bootleg Series Vol. 15 is available for pre-order now. Check out the full track list at
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