Photo: Bradley Uren
A Gassville man — already facing sex-related charges — was in Baxter County Circuit Court Thursday facing new criminal offenses stemming from an incident in the Baxter County jail.
Thirty-five-year-old Bradley Uren and his estranged wife, 36-year-old Jennifer Uren, were arrested March 6. Bradley Uren is charged with three counts of rape and Jennifer Uren with two counts of permitting child abuse.
Photo: Jennifer Uren
Both Bradley and Jennifer Uren have entered not guilty pleas to the initial charges against them.
Bradley Uren entered a not guilty plea to his new charges – including battery of a corrections officer and impairing the operations of a vital public facility.
According to the probable cause affidavit in the new case, Bradley Uren began kicking the door of his cell, threw the morning meal cart and contents in the direction of a member of the jail staff and began screaming at the jailer – cursing and using a number of racial slurs.
When other deputies responded and made entry to the area where Bradley Uren was housed, he was told he was to be locked down for 24 hours due to his unruly behavior. Bradley Uren is alleged to have said he was “not going anywhere.” Deputies gave him one last chance to gather his mat and other items issued to him and go to lockdown.
As a deputy began to “assist” Uren off his bed, the inmate was said to have actively resisted, including elbowing one of the deputies. He was finally taken to the ground, where he was placed in an arm lock in order to get him under control and to prevent him from carrying out further attacks on the deputies. He was then was placed in an isolation cell.
Uren entered a not guilty plea to the charges stemming from his actions in the jail.
Bradley Uren is a registered sex offender. His records show he will be required to register during his lifetime after being convicted of sexual battery in August 2005. According to the Baxter County Sheriff’s website, his sex offender status stemmed from an incident that happened in another state involving a then-18-year-old Bradley Uren and a 14-year-old female.
Bradley Uren was convicted of encouraging the minor female to come to his house where he forced her to remove her clothing at knifepoint.
In the charges filed against the couple, the court has sealed the probable cause affidavits containing details of the alleged acts.
Available public records show Bradley Uren and his estranged wife filed petitions in February seeking orders of protection, with each listing the other as respondent in the action.
Court records show Jennifer Uren filed her petition against her husband Feb. 3, followed by Bradley Uren’s petition against her about a week later.
In his petition, Bradley Uren accuses his estranged wife of wanting to sell one of their children to her relatives for $10,000. He alleges his wife and an unnamed individual “have a conspiracy” to get him “out of the picture.”
He charges she was violent with him, consorted with convicted criminals and made threats to “find someone to take care” of him.
In her petition, Jennifer Uren alleges her husband hit her several times, tried to break her arm and threatened her life and the lives of the couple’s children.
She accused Bradley Uren of having “peek holes” in the home enabling him to watch “every move” she and their children made.
Jennifer Uren says the Arkansas Department of Human Services has custody of the couple’s children allegedly because her husband “molested” some of them.
Jennifer Uren filed for divorce in early March last year. The action was dismissed about six months later and was refiled last month.
Bradley Uren remains in the Baxter County jail with bond set at $500,000. Jennifer Uren is free on a $5,000 bond.
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