The candidate filing period for the April election in Missouri closes Tuesday for positions coming open on Ozark County school and municipal boards, as well as Public Water District #1 in Theodosia and the Ozark County Ambulance District. No terms are expiring on the Ozark County Health Department board.
The last day to register to vote in the April election is March 10.
Those interested in filing for a position on one of the Ozark County boards should contact the respective school, village, or district office.
Those planning to file for a school board seat should remember some districts are on a four-day/week schedule.
If the number of candidates who file for a board equals the number of terms expiring, state law specifies that no election will be held.
In an earlier report the Ozark County Times noted five school boards have three-year terms expiring.
Bakersfield: Seats held by Chris Bales and Jonathan Lashley (417-284-7333).
Dora: Seats held by Terry Martin and Robert Lee (417-261-2263).
Gainesville: Seats held by Mason Eslinger and Jabet Wade (417-679-4200).
Lutie: Seats held by Carl Kruger, Ric Englehardt and Shanna Clayton (417-273-4274)
Thornfield: Seats held by Darrin Clayton and Josh Mayberry. Mayberry was appointed to Greg Prock’s seat after Prock resigned from the board (417-265-3368).
Three municipal boards have two-year terms expiring.
Bakersfield Village: Seats held by Dianna Stover and Erin Bonham (417-284-7238 or 417-284-1626)
City of Gainesville: Seats held in the East Ward by Dana Crisp; in the Center Ward by Treva Warrick; and in the West Ward by Shane Ledbetter (417-679-4858)
Theodosia Village: Seats held by Bret Cook and John Maglione. Maglione was appointed to Paul Dettinger’s seat after Dettinger moved. (417-273-4830)
Positions for two public boards will be on the April ballot.
Ozark County Ambulance District: Two three-year terms are expiring, the District 1 seat held by Craig Fox and the District 4 seat held by Lane Burnett. Filing for the ambulance district board is done in the Ozark County Clerk’s Office in the courthouse. (417-679-3624)
Public Water District #1 in Theodosia: Two three-year terms are expiring held by Rick Engelhardt and Susanne Meeks. Candidates may file at the water district office. (417-273-4825)
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