Only one municipality and two school districts in Ozark County will hold elections in the April 6 General Municipal Election, according to a report in the Ozark County Times. Candidate filing for the election closed Jan. 19.
Elected positions are coming open on all five Ozark County schools and all three municipal boards, as well as Public Water District #1 in Theodosia and the Ozark County Ambulance District. (No terms are expiring on the Ozark County Health Department, the county’s other public board with elected members).
However, state law allows entities to opt out of holding elections when the number of candidates equals the number of terms ending, which is the case for the elected boards in the other two municipalities, three school districts and two public boards.
The last day to register to vote in the April 6 election is March 10.
Here’s the result of candidate filing:
School Boards
Election to three-year terms for board members will be held in the Dora and Thornfield school districts, but not in Bakersfield, Gainesville and Lutie.
In Dora, incumbents Terry Martin and Robert Lee refiled, and Gwen Chambers also filed.
In Thornfield, incumbents Darrin Clayton and Josh Mayberry refiled, and Travis Tucker refiled.
In Bakersfield, Gainesville and Lutie, no election will be held because the number of candidates equals the number of terms expiring on the boards.
In Bakersfield, Chris Bales and Jonathan Lashley refiled, and no other candidates filed.
In Gainesville, incumbents Mason Eslinger and Jabet Wade refiled, and no other candidates filed.
In Lutie, incumbents Carl Kruger, Ric Englehardt and Shanna Clayton all refiled, and no other candidates filed.
Municipal Boards
Of the three municipalities in Ozark County, only Gainesville will hold an election. Elected municipal officials here serve two-year terms.
Gainesville’s incumbent East Ward Alderman Dana Crisp refiled, and Debbie Miller also filed for the East Ward seat. Center Ward incumbent Treva Warrick refiled. Shane Ledbetter did not refile for his West Ward seat, and no other candidate filed.
In Bakersfield, incumbent Dianna Stover refiled, but incumbent Erin Bonham did not refile. Jodi Burns, who previously served on the village board but resigned before her term ended, has filed for Bonham’s seat.
In Theodosia, incumbent John Maglione refiled, but longtime council member Bret Cook did not refile. Craig Fisher filed for the board. Since the number of candidates equals the number of terms expiring, no election will be held.
Public Boards
Ozark County Ambulance District: Incumbent Craig Fox refiled for the District 1 seat, and incumbent Elaine Burnett re-filed for the District 4 seat. No other candidates filed in either district, so no election will be held.
Public Water District #1 in Theodosia: Incumbents Rick Engelhardt and Susanne Meeks re-filed. No other candidates filed, so no election will be held.
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