JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. – The State of Missouri is partnering with the Missouri Primary Care Association and MAKO Medical to continue hosting free COVID-19 testing events throughout the state, including one in Howell County Tuesday.The Howell County event will be held at the Southern Missouri Community Health Center, located at 1137 Independence Drive in West Plains. Hours for the testing will be from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m.
Missourians can register online for testing events at health.mo.gov/communitytest and continue to check back for future opportunities.
Missouri residency is the only requirement; individuals do not have to live in the county in which they are tested, and they do not have to be experiencing symptoms. Any Missouri residents who wish to be tested with an anterior nasal swab to determine if they have an active COVID-19 infection can do so at no cost to the individual.
Those experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 should seek testing at a community testing event or their nearest testing site. Those who have had significant contact with someone with confirmed COVID-19 should also consider being tested.
Why should a healthy person consider being tested for COVID-19?
– To rule out the possibility that you have COVID-19 and don’t know it.
Make sure that you are not an asymptomatic carrier of the virus. Asymptomatic spreaders are a major reason containing this virus has been so challenging.
– To take action early if you do have COVID-19.
If you are in the early stages of a COVID-19 infection, detecting it early allows you to quickly isolate, rest and recuperate, monitor your symptoms and seek medical care if needed.
– To spend time with friends and family–especially those at high risk.
If you plan to spend a prolonged period of time with loved ones, especially older adults or those with underlying conditions, stay away from high risk activities for 10 days and then get tested.
– To help get the virus under control.
Widespread testing among healthy people helps to stop the spread of COVID-19. Screening healthy people, staying on top of positive cases, identifying new outbreaks quickly, and being aware of how the virus spreads among people without symptoms, are powerful tools in our efforts to suppress the virus.
It is important to remember that a COVID-19 test is a one-time assessment, and will only show if you are infected at the time of the test. Everyday prevention measures, such as handwashing, physical distancing and mask-wearing should always be practiced, even after you have been tested.
To register for community testing events in Missouri, visit health.mo.gov/communitytest.
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