A Clarkridge man charged with stabbing his sister in the knee entered a guilty plea to his charges and was sentenced to six years in prison during a session of Baxter County Circuit Court Thursday.
The aggravated assault charge filed against 26-year-old Aaron Dakota Jones stems from an event in early May.
He also pled guilty to charges of possessing methamphetamine and drug paraphernalia.
In May, Baxter County sheriff’s deputies responded to the report of a stabbing at a residence along Highway 201 North.
Jones, his sister and another male are reported to share the residence.
When the lawmen arrived, they found 45-year-old Summer Overmyer/AKA Summer Jones seated in a chair with a bandage around her right knee.
Overmyer said that Jones was her brother, and claimed he had stabbed her.
She told investigators Jones and his girlfriend had gotten into an argument in front of the residence.
When Jones came inside, Overmyer reported, he was “highly agitated.” She said he had “punched the glass out of one of the windows in the front door to the residence.”
Overmyer claimed when she confronted her brother about his behavior, he pulled out a knife and stabbed her.
Jones fled the residence and could not be located at the time. He was booked into the county jail June 24.
The other person reported to be living in the house, 42-year-old Ricky McKnight said he was in another part of the residence when he head “yelling and a commotion” in the living room.
When he went to see what had happened, he found Overmyer wounded and sitting in a chair.
He said Jones was in the process of fleeing the scene.
Overmyer and McKnight also have their problems with the law. Both have open drug cases in Baxter County Circuit Court.
They were both charged with possessing drugs, including methamphetamine, stemming from a traffic stop in late March.
They have both pled not guilty to those charges.
Overmyer was sentenced to prison in 2017 after she was found naked in another person’s residence located along Ravenwood Lane in Midway.
According to the probable cause affidavit, the resident of the home and a friend left to go shopping and when they returned they heard someone inside the house.
When the two women entered the residence, they saw a nude Overmyer walking out of a bedroom yelling and throwing objects.
The women were able to get Overmyer outside.
Once outside, she first jumped into a pickup truck parked at the victim’s residence, then ran to a neighbor’s house, jumped into his pickup and started honking the horn.
Overmyer was reported to have gotten out of the second truck and headed to another residence down the street.
The neighbor said she saw Overmyer walking up to her home and let her in after the nude woman asked for help.
After sheriff’s deputies arrived, the resident found clothing for her and she was taken to jail.
Overmyer was said to have admitted she had ingested methamphetamine prior to the event.
While in the first house, Overmyer had done considerable damage, breaking mirrors in both bedrooms and throwing electronics in the floor.
There was broken glass and other objects in the kitchen and hallway as well.
Overmyer was charged with breaking or entering, trespassing, disorderly conduct and public intoxication in the 2017 case.
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