A parole absconder with multiple failure to appear warrants was arrested after a short police chase in Melbourne. Forty-year-old Derrick Hicks of Batesville has a warrant in Independence County for the original charges of theft, forgery, fleeing and violation of a protection order and warrants in Jackson County on the original charges of possession of methamphetamine.
Izard County Sheriff Jack Yancey says he and Chief Deputy Charley Melton spotted the vehicle that Hicks was reported driving leaving a Melbourne business just before 4 p.m. last Friday. They attempted to make traffic stop on Arkansas Highway 69, but the vehicle reportedly turned onto North Spring Street and accelerated. It then went through a yard, traveled to Lunen Street, went back toward Highway 69, turned and went behind Izard County Abstract.
The vehicle came to a stop, after it went into the ditch on Arkansas Highway 9 near the intersection with Highway 69. Hicks exited the vehicle and ran across the road into the parking lot of a car dealership, where he was apprehended by deputies. A passenger, identified as 32-year-old Amanda Hanna of Batesville, was found to have a warrant for being a parole absconder out of Independence County.
Hicks and Hanna were both taken into custody and transported to other jurisdictions.
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