(AP) – Missouri Gov. Eric Greitens chose a Lyft car in a Taco
Bell parking lot to ceremonially sign a copy of a bill that could help
ride-hailing companies expand in Missouri.In a video posted to Facebook on Monday, Greitens orders a steak Chalupa while
getting a ride from a Lyft driver. He then signs a copy of a bill to create
statewide regulations for ride-hailing companies such as Uber and Lyft.
Bell parking lot to ceremonially sign a copy of a bill that could help
ride-hailing companies expand in Missouri.In a video posted to Facebook on Monday, Greitens orders a steak Chalupa while
getting a ride from a Lyft driver. He then signs a copy of a bill to create
statewide regulations for ride-hailing companies such as Uber and Lyft.
Greitens says in the video that the legislation might be the first ever signed
in a Lyft car with a Chalupa. But spokesman Parker Briden said the official copy
was signed earlier Monday during an event at St. Charles Community College.
Uber and Lyft say the law will allow them to expand throughout the state.
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