Sanders announces intent to nominate Joe Profiri as Secretary of Department of Corrections


Governor-elect Sarah Huckabee Sanders announced Tuesday her intention to nominate Joe Profiri, a key criminal justice leader for Governor Doug Ducey in Arizona, as the Secretary of the Department of Corrections.

Profiri’s appointment would replace current Secretary Solomon Graves, who has served in the role since August 2020.

Sanders states “As our state prepares to confront rising crime head-on and devote the necessary resources to increase prison capacity to allow for the retention of violent, repeat offenders, I made it a priority to select an individual with decades of experience in correctional oversight and who shares my commitment to public safety. His background and experiences, not only at the managerial level but more importantly as a correctional officer, in Arizona have uniquely prepared him to lead our Corrections Department with accountability, integrity, and professionalism.”

Profiri’s says he is honored to accept the nomination and to bring his dedication and skills to Arkansas. He states, “the work of corrections to keep communities safe by professionally retaining violent, repeat offenders and adequately preparing offender populations for reintegration is challenging but a passion of mine.

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