Baxter Co. Quorum Court to hear presentation from chamber foundation


The Baxter County Quorum Court will hold its monthly meeting Tuesday night at 6 in the 2nd floor Courtroom of the Baxter County Courthouse, and a presentation from the North Central Arkansas Chamber Foundation is among the agenda items.

On Thursday night, the foundation reached an agreement with the city of Mountain Home for a $40,000 economic development partnership. The local 501(c)(3) nonprofit is looking at a similar potential agreement with Baxter County. While the court will hear the presentation, a vote will not be taken on the matter this month.

Other items on the agenda include appropriating fees and reimbursements received in May to the Sheriff’s Office budget; an emergency ordinance adopting rules and regulations concerning external noise of data centers and to prevent noise disturbances in Baxter County; and ordinance adopting revisions and additions to the personnel policy manual and pay scale for the Baxter County Sheriff’s Office; an ordinance to transfer funds into the public defender fund budget; an ordinance to approve a full-time election coordinator in the County Clerk’s Office; ordinances establishing compensation for election officials and jurors; an ordinance to appropriate funding for a one-time county assessor and employee recognition payment; an ordinance to transfer funds to the fire departments budget; an ordinance to appropriate funds to the road and bridge budget; an ordinance appropriating grant funds received to the Clarkridge Fire Department; an ordinance to approve a full time IT Administrator in the Baxter County Sheriff’s Office; an ordinance to appropriate funds from special jail fees to jail maintenance for the purchase of jail vehicles; and a resolution confirming the appointment and Keith Stokes and the re-appointment of Scott Tabor to the Tracy Area Fire Protection District Board of Commissioners.

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