The Cotter School Board of Education met for a relatively short regular session Thursday night. The meeting was called to order at 6:55 and ended at 7:29.
Employment contracts were recommended and offered to Terry Schuman, Michael Barnett and Cynthia Perkins for the position of Custodian for the 2023/2024 school contract year, contingent upon all three meeting all state and district employment requirements. The board unanimously approved all three.
Food Service Director Marcia Ivens requested approval for item bids in regards to chemicals, milk, bread and grocery items and the board unanimously approved. The Cotter Food Service Department seeks bids annually for the aforementioned items. Bid notices are placed in the local newspaper and sent to all vendors, along with the descriptions of items and usage for each. The lowest priced item is chosen, except when the product does not meet the boards standards, in which case the next lowest-priced item is ordered. Each invoice is then checked for price accuracy, or a credit request is made.
Superintendent Jones presented the board with a number of items, including:
A general service agreement between the Flippin School District and the Cotter School District for the Food Service Director for the 2023-2024 school year;
The Cotter School District improvement plans;
The teacher recruitment and retention plan;
A renewal of the property and vehicle insurance for the 2023/2024 school year through the Arkansas Public School Insurance Trust at a cost of $13,495 for the vehicle insurance and $93,443 for the property insurance;
A revocation of the Digital Learning Plan approved for the year, due to the Arkansas Department of Elementary and Secondary Education no longer supporting Digital Learning Plans; and
One petition for a student transfer from the Cotter School District to the Mountain Home School District.
All items were unanimously approved.
Superintendent Jones also gave an update on the progress of the high school addition.
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