Trailblazers Bike Club to offer fall classes to local youth


A new program is being offered this fall by the Mountain Home Parks and Recreation Department for youth in third through fifth grades. The Trailblazers Bike Club is a six-week program introducing kids to bike safety and bike handling skills.

There is no cost to sign up. The courses start Aug. 14 and continues through Sept. 23. Classes will be available at two different time slots Monday, Tuesday and Thursday evenings, and each class will be limited to 10 kids per time slot.

Bikes are provided, and enrollment is dependent on bike size availability. Personal helmets are encouraged. Entrants must know how to ride a bicycle unassisted. All participants are welcome to showcase their skills at the National Interscholastic Cycling Association Bike Race at Clysta Willett Park on Sept. 23.

The deadline to sign up is Aug. 1. Click here to register online.

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