City attorney advises MH City Council to table Chamber contract in Thursday night’s meeting


During the Mountain Home City Council meeting Thursday night, City Attorney Roger Morgan advised the council a resolution should have been adopted, authorizing the Mayor to enter into an agreement with the Mountain Home Chamber of Commerce, instead of a vote to approve the contract agreement. Morgan advised the council he does not feel the current agreement is valid. The motion has been tabled until more research is completed to determine whether or not bidding must occur, if any, for the contract to proceed.
Morgan states this was an oversite on his part and suggested the topic be tabled for 30-45 days so he can research how to best bring it back to the council for consideration.In addition, council members Jennifer Baker and Jim Bodenhamer made public statements in regards to their vote on the motion. Baker stated in hindsight she should have never made the motion and instead should have made the recommendation they study the proposal before it came to a vote. She also stated the issue of her being an ambassador for the chamber as a conflict of interest did not cross her mind at the time and did not mean for it to be the perception.

Bodenhamer stated he personally made a mistake moving the motion forward without more deliberation and added he still supports the proposal. He stated “he would take the hit” if the council moved too quickly on the matter, but did not agree with the conversations in regards to corruption.

Prior to the meeting, a public hearing was held in regards to vacating a utility easement located at lots 55 and 56 in Big Creek Estates as they are no longer needed. There were no objections by the public.

In regular business, the council approved the ordinance vacating a utility easement located at lots 55 and 56 in Big Creek Estates; approved an ordinance accepting the annexation of property owned by Carter and Sons so they may connect to the city sewer; and approved the audit completed by Ballard and Company for the general fund.

An ordinance to amend the contracted water rates between the City of Mountain Home Water Department and wholesale purchasers was tabled until the August meeting.

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