Fordyce High School football team to dedicate their seasons to June’s shooting victims

This year, the Fordyce High School football team is dedicating their season to the four victims of the Mad Butcher Grocery Store shooting that occurred last June.Fordyce football coach Timothy Rodgers reflected on that day, saying, “When it happened, one of the first things we did as coaches was started calling our players to check in and make sure it wasn’t one of them.”

That was when they realized that they were playing for the four victims who lost their lives that day.

“A lot of times things happen, and you forget about them after a couple of weeks, and we want to make sure that people don’t forget about this and that they remember it,” Rodgers said.

To help remember and honor the victims this season, each player will have the words “Fordyce Strong” on their helmets.

Micah Gamble is a plays on the Fordyce football team and he says remembering the victims drives him.

“A lot of people lost loved ones and when I’m out there on that field, I think about that, and I play hard to leave everything out there on the field,” Gamble said.

Gamble pray that with each tackle and touchdown, he can give hope to the community.

“You got to keep going and don’t ever forget what you’re playing for… And most importantly, remember you are playing for God.”

Coach Rodgers says the community have been active showing support at games and he’s proud the team can return that support by honoring the victims.

“People just want to go out on Friday nights, and it’s one of the things people talked the most about was the start of football,” Rodgers said.

Through community and remembrance of the victims, the town and team are demonstrating exactly what it means to be truly Fordyce Strong.

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