(AP) – Miss Greater Jonesboro has been selected Miss Arkansas
2017.Maggie Benton of Jonesboro was crowned Saturday night in Little Rock by Miss
Arkansas 2016 Savannah Skidmore and Miss America Savvy Shields, who won the 2016
Miss Arkansas Scholarship Pageant before winning the Miss America Pageant.
2017.Maggie Benton of Jonesboro was crowned Saturday night in Little Rock by Miss
Arkansas 2016 Savannah Skidmore and Miss America Savvy Shields, who won the 2016
Miss Arkansas Scholarship Pageant before winning the Miss America Pageant.
First runner-up is Miss University of Arkansas Darynne Dahlem, second
runner-up is Miss Arkansas Delta Ashley Ehrhart, third runner-up is Miss
Northeast Arkansas Bailey Moses and fourth runner-up is Miss White River Claudia
Benton receives a $30,000 scholarship, more than $75,000 in awards, wardrobe
and gifts and will represent Arkansas in the 2018 Miss America Pageant.
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