Baxter County Judge Kevin Litty appeared on KTLO’s morning show with Heather Loftis on Wednesday for his regularly scheduled monthly interview where he discussed the latest Quorum Court meeting. Tuesday night’s meeting drew a standing-room-only crowd as the court addressed an ordinance to abolish the Airport Commission.
Litty discussed that there was an original written lease that was never signed and the previous county judge made him aware of it and showed it to him before he took office.
One of the questions posed by Dr. Stephen Vester, the chairman of the Baxter County Airport Commission, was regarding amenities in the building of the hangar that was completed in June of 2020 and whether the county paid the reimbursements.
Loftis asked Litty to clarify whether county funds where spent for said amenities.
With the question of leases at county airports, Loftis posed to Litty if having multiple leases for different hangars was standard operating procedure.
At the meeting it was posed that taxes break where given to the occupier of the hangar Judge Litty refutes that claim.
The ordinance to abolish the airport commission failed at the Quorum Court due to the lack of a super majority to pass it on first reading. Litty states the ordinance can be reintroduced and he plans to move forward with the options available to him.
A 30 day grace period so more information could be presented was brought up at the meeting before the JP’s which failed. Loftis questioned why the Judge was opposed to more information being gathered.
Litty stated this situation was of the more difficult things he has dealt with in his time in county government but when asked he stated he would not initiate a meeting with the commission.
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