Chairman Vester questions the Quroum Court’s rush to abolish the BC Airport Commission

The Chairman of the Baxter County Airport Commission, Dr. Stephen Vester, spoke with KTLO News to share his reaction to last Tuesday night’s vote to abolish the Commission. Vester says it was a win, but a win on a technicality, since the emergency clause presented in the ordinance needed a two-thirds majority in favor of the measure. He notes that although the focus continues to be on the lease agreement for a hangar at the airport, Vester believes the true questions being asked of Baxter County Judge Kevin Litty are being avoided.


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Vester stated he was surprised by the packed courtroom on Tuesday evening and that most in attendance where in support of the commission not being abolished. He was also surprised the strong public opposition seemingly had no effect on the members of the court.


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Judge Litty has stated that lease rates for hangars can and do vary across an airport, a fact that Vester acknowledges is true across the state of Arkansas. The concern for the commission on the lease in question is the artificial reduction of its rates that they believe hurts the airport and hampers it’s effort to be self sufficient and in turn save tax payer dollars.


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During the recent court meeting Justice of the Peace Bob Nault proposed tabling the topic for 30 days to allow further discussion, but the motion failed by a 7-3 vote. Vester states that in his memory, and of others who have approached him, there has never a situation like this in the court. He questions why?


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Some in the community have questioned if the county has plans to close the airport. Judge Litty gave the following response when asked this question by KTLO News, “No. The County has absolutely zero intention or plans of closing the airport. There are more rumors than truths floating around, and I welcome anyone with questions to come by my office. I would be more than happy to speak to the truth of this situation.”

The Baxter County Quorum Court is set to meet in two special sessions with the first starting Monday night at 5:30 with a second reading of the ordinance, in which no public comment will be heard and no vote taken. The second session is scheduled for Wednesday night at 5:30, during which a third reading will be held, along with comments taken from the public and a vote taken by the court. Both meetings will be held in the second floor courtroom of the Baxter County Courthouse.

The Airport Commission will hold a community forum on Tuesday at 6 in the lobby of the Baxter County Airport. The commission is inviting the Justices of the the Peace, Judge Litty, a representative from the FAA and the community to further discuss the issues in question. The Baxter County Airport is located at 6462 Highway 126 in Midway.

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