Pet Rescue & Free Adoption

To have a pet added to our list for free, call KTLO, Classic Hits & The Boot at (870) 425-3101

Baxter County Animal Control: (870) 425-7000 (ask for animal control)

Humane Society of NCA: (870) 425-9221

Have A Heart Pet Shelter: (870) 449-7387

Gail’s Pets Second Chance (870) 431-8229

Humane Society of Marion County (870) 416-3428


2 large, black Great Danes that have shown up in the Old Military and Old Arkana Road area. No collars. Please call 870-404-3608.


  • In Lakeview area, 18-pound brown poodle, wearing blue collar with rabies tag, answers to “Monty.”  Call 870-405-0201. (3/1)

Pets Looking for a Loving Home or Looking for Pets

Owner hospitalized – Free to good home are one female Pointer mix and one male Pit mix. They are approximately 3 to 4 years old and are 50+ pounds. If interested, please call or text 870-421-7653

Female black Lab mix that loves kids and is approximately one year old is looking for a forever home. Please call 870-706-4382