Upcoming Events
Fibromyalgia Support Group 3rd Thursday EVERY Month
Fibromyalgia Support Group for Women 3rd Thursday EVERY Month Schliemann Center for Women Fibromyalgia Support Group at 1 pm, for women living with fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis or other autoimmune aliments who find comfort and encouragement in knowing you are not alone. Few people understand what it’s like to have chronic pain or be exhausted all the time. If they haven’t experienced it, it’s hard for them to truly understand the frustration faced on difficult days. Often just having one other…
Find out more »Fibromyalgia Support Group 3rd Thursday EVERY Month
Fibromyalgia Support Group for Women 3rd Thursday EVERY Month Schliemann Center for Women Fibromyalgia Support Group at 1 pm, for women living with fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis or other autoimmune aliments who find comfort and encouragement in knowing you are not alone. Few people understand what it’s like to have chronic pain or be exhausted all the time. If they haven’t experienced it, it’s hard for them to truly understand the frustration faced on difficult days. Often just having one other…
Find out more »Fibromyalgia Support Group 3rd Thursday EVERY Month
Fibromyalgia Support Group for Women 3rd Thursday EVERY Month Schliemann Center for Women Fibromyalgia Support Group at 1 pm, for women living with fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis or other autoimmune aliments who find comfort and encouragement in knowing you are not alone. Few people understand what it’s like to have chronic pain or be exhausted all the time. If they haven’t experienced it, it’s hard for them to truly understand the frustration faced on difficult days. Often just having one other…
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